
All our programs are guided by the tenets of our Reggio-inspired approach: that children have enormous innate potential and curiosity, and the staff collaborate with the child as active participants in learning and exploring our world.

Infant & Toddler (0 – 24, 18 – 36 Months or ages 2 & 3)


Current research shows that child development at the earliest stages is all about creating a sense of trust in the child. Our attention to this insight is demonstrated in many ways, especially in response to the cues of the child. For example: if a child cries, it is an alert for our staff to respond immediately. Only through showing children that they are safe and cared for will bonding and positive secondary attachment be created.

As children progress from infancy to toddlers, the nature of their curiosity expands with their mobility. Toddlers continue to use sensory experiences – touch, taste, and smell – to explore their worlds, but now can climb & run to experience even more. We encourage this sensory development through the use of sand, water, play dough, paint, clay and more. Toddler programs are located in the most secure area of our facilities and these children are given ample opportunity to explore their world in a safe environment. As with all children in our care, toddlers get time out in the fresh air daily in their own playground area.

Toddlers enjoy their emergent literacy skills through the use of story time, puppetry, flannel board stories, and dramatic play. They take the lead in their program, keeping our staff on their toes as they keep up with this rapid stage of developmental growth in all areas.

Infant program offered at the following location:

Toddler program offered at the following locations:

PRE-SCHOOL (36 - 59 months or ages 3 & 4)

Brimming with Curiosity Our Reggio-influenced Pre-School program is based on emergent curriculum emphasizing child-initiated exploration that allows our children to set their own goals and choice of experience. The teacher participates with the child and facilitates the child-initiated learning, which stems from the interests and “discoveries” that occur. Another characteristic is the idea of the classroom environment as the “third teacher”, meaning our teachers take an active role in setting up and changing the surroundings to spark interest and discovery. In this setting, we emphasize the use of open-ended and often recyclable non-traditional materials. Our staff also look for every opportunity to create long-term projects that evolve, as these can be tremendous vehicles of learning. We also practice extensive documentation of children’s learning and interactions. In this way, we inspire children to develop their own theories, and we are able to document and communicate the successes and achievements that we observe. The success of our independent learning process for the child is demonstrated by an improved level of confidence and positive self image, as well as a comfort level to be him or herself within any group or life situation. These children grow to crave more and more independent learning. The inclusion and participation of the families of our children is the final pillar that underpins this process. We encourage engagement of the parents of all our children – as well as the broader community – and regularly invite them to visit the centre and participate in any appropriate project. Through sharing and communication, we find the most effective methods, content and values.

Offered at the following locations


Discoverers Focuses on play-based discovery and exploration th

Offered at the following locations

KINDERCARE (59 - 84 months or ages 5 - 7)

Free to Explore Kindercare programs are child care services for children during the hours they are not in Kindergarten at a public school. These programs are staffed with Level III School-age Certified Personnel, who most often have completed degrees in primary education and are either retired from the teaching profession or new graduates. Our Kindercare programs – like all of our programs – are geared to guide children in many areas of self-directed discovery. Our staff assist in their explorations, expand on a concept or skill and complement their independent learning. Children that attend our facilities in the morning receive their hot lunch prior to being brought into the Kindergarten classroom. Children attending Kindergarten in the morning, receive their hot lunch upon arrival at the centre.

Offered at the following locations

AFTER SCHOOL (85 - 144 months or ages 7 - 12)

Choosing Experiences Our After School programs are designed with the older child in mind. Children express their independence by planning their own time, choosing from one of our many different thematic “zones.” Whether they choose to build an amazing structure in our popular Construction Zone, practice to be the next Sidney Crosby in our gym (select locations), or create a detailed painting in our Art & Creative Expression Zone, these activities – and others – contribute to physical, social and mental development. Outside play time is available each day, and every interaction is built on the concept of “Respect” – respect for ourselves, respect for each other and respect for our space. Like all LPW programs, our After School programs are staffed by loving, engaged Level III Early Childhood Educators who hold degrees in education as well as early childhood courses.

Offered at the following locations

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